Dedication of Misionary House - October 10, 1982
CPBC Missionary House located at 4131 Terrace R, West
Left to right: Rev. Dewayne Lasseter, Pastor; Miss Bernice Elliott, Birmingham Assn. WMU Director; Mrs. E. C. Overton, WMU Director, Central Park; Mrs. Grady Self, President, Baptist Women's Day, Central Park Baptist.
CPBC Missionary House located at 4131 Terrace R, West
Left to right: Rev. Dewayne Lasseter, Pastor; Miss Bernice Elliott, Birmingham Assn. WMU Director; Mrs. E. C. Overton, WMU Director, Central Park; Mrs. Grady Self, President, Baptist Women's Day, Central Park Baptist.
First Ladies Aid Society, 1911. Mrs. Dovie Lucas, First President. The second picture is of the house at 4313 Cherry Street (4825 Terrace R) where the top picture was made.
WMU Centennial at Central Park and 75th Anniversary of GA's, May 11, 1988.
Top right: Margaret Self. Middle left: Lois Maxwell and Ruby Landerville. Bottom left: ?, Betty Overton. Bottom right: Howard Cope, Ed Burke, Earl Norris.
Top right: Margaret Self. Middle left: Lois Maxwell and Ruby Landerville. Bottom left: ?, Betty Overton. Bottom right: Howard Cope, Ed Burke, Earl Norris.
Top two pictures taken at Prayer Retreat in May 1985.
Middle two pictures taken at Alabama WMU Centennial Annual Meeting, Samford University, March 1988.