Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bus Ministry

September 19, 1973.
Top left: Greg George in dark suit.
Bottom left: Bro. Noel and the "Three Little Pigs."
Bottom right: Bill Bowden tries to get the pig to say, "Cheese."

Picnic at Ensley Park - September 19, 1973.

James Barnes, 10 years old.

Pig Chase for preschoolers.

Noela Ann Allen

Bill Bowden

Lois Pike, four years old.

Friday, March 13, 2009

50th Anniversary of Central Park Baptist

These pictures are marked "50 Anniversary - 1960." It appears to be the dedication of the new Children's Building also. Madge Coston and Zollar Reese are in the pictures of the little girl cutting the ribbon. Lower left corner shows Mr. and Mrs. John Guyton.
Lower right corner is Billy Whitfield with daughter Karen and sons, Billy and Tim.
In the top left picture below you can see Tommye Riddle in the print dress and Jo Beth in front of her. In the top right photo, Tillman Gannaway is standing in front of the post; and George Harvard is on the top step.
In the center right picture are the four daughters of John Roberts. Teresa is in the dark dress, Donna on the left, Priscilla on the right, and Johnette in the center.

The little girl cutting the ribbon is David Sheldon's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. can be seen behind Mrs. Coston in the top left picture. Mrs. Sheldon is behind Mrs. Coston in the top right. In the two bottom pictures Carl Weaks and Rhonda Hatley can be seem between Mr. Reese and the building.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ladies of CPBC

Louise Johnson (Mrs. Roy) continues serving the Lord in Guld Shores as she did at Central Park for so many years.
The following four pictures were sent by Mary Fisher Klemenc. The first picture is the "Birthday Club" that meets every month to celebrate birthdays of members for that month. They have been known to take trips together also. (These are very special, precious ladies who have made untold contributions to Central Park Baptist Church and the Kingdom.)

Second Picture from left to right: Sandy Stratton, Carolyn Kendrick, Opal Corn, Ann Harvard.

The following two pictures were taken at the 4oth anniversary of the Appris Study Club started by Ann Watts in 1966.

Top picture left to right: Barbara Hull, Sarah Cunningham Landgraf, Juanita Johnson, Mary Fisher Klemenc, Dannie Junkins, Mary Griffin.

Bottom Picture: (Seated on floor) Mildred Walker and Sarah Cunningham Landgraf.

Seated: Juanita Johnson and Warrene Herring.

Standing: Janice Thies, Martha Perkins, Mary Griffin, Edna Earle Hawk, Dannie Junkins, Barbara Hull, Betty Tucker (Hunter Street), Mary Fisher Klemenc, Bobbie Coley.

Left: Mrs. Jennie Allen.
Top right: Mrs. Beula Nelson
Bottom right: Mrs. Fant with Royce Bryant. (Made during Sunday School on March 1, 1981, for her 99th birthday. Her actual birthday was March 2, 1882.)

Left, back row: Evelyn Weaks, Lois Lowery, Jeanette Glaze. Front: Jean Tuten, circa 1955.
Right back row: Jeanette Glaze, Sadie Fulbright, Ruth Duncan. Seated: Ruth Lambert, Ann Stewart, Gladys Baker, circa 1955.

Top left: December 1957
Grace Barnett, Ned Callaway, Margarette Arnett, Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mrs. Murphy, Nell Kelley, Midis Johnson.
Top right: Ned, Nell, Mrs. Joe Johnson, Midis Johnson, Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Fant Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Nelson.
Bottom left: First row: Ned, Margarette Arnett. Second row: Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mrs. Murphy, Grace Barnett, Nell Kelley, Midis Johnson.
Bottom right: YWA's - April, 1937
Front row, left to right: Virginia Halbrooks, Jeanette Amberson, Roberta Baxter, Martha Wilborn, Jessie Williams, Lois Farr, Thelma Farr, Mary Lou Barnett, Marjorie Bonham, Mrs. Floyd Olive.

Choir Banquet - no date

Mary Griffin, Peggy Brett, Jackie Dean, Betty Overton.

Date, circa 1952.
Betty Hester second from left on front row. Second from right on front row is Betty Morton, and third form the right on front row is Lucille Thompson.

Second row, first person is Bobbie Evans. Top row, last person is Paula Daniels (?).

Estherian Class 1950.

Third from left is Lucille (Mrs. Houston) Law.

Top left: Esther Carter's home 1953 or 1954.

Top left: 4th from the left on the back row is Gladys Edgar.

In the bottom picture, Julia Jones is on the second row next to the wall. Emma Baker is on the front row next to the wall.

Top Left Photo: WMU or Sunday School Class.
Top row: 2nd from right is Rachel Watts, 3rd from the right is Alma Watts.

2nd row - 1st person on left, Annie Reneau Wilborn.

Top Right Photo: Row 1: Mrs. E. C. Carpenter, Sr., Mrs. Mamie Dawson, Mrs. W. M. Lollar, Mrs. W. S. Bonham (Walter Collier's mother).

Row 2: Mrs. Roy Varner, Mrs. T. M. Wilkerson, Mrs. T. S. Rogers, Mrs. C. D. Mason, Mrs. Beulah Huff.

Bottom Left Photo: No Date

Row 1: Far right is Pauline Mims Rose.

Row 2: Marianne Knox Swayer, ?, ?, Nannie Mary Lewis, ?.

Bottom Right Photo: W.M.S., March 15, 1938. Rev. Olive, Pastor.

World Youth Conference - 1968

Cynthia Garret in front of Trevi Fountain.
Peggy Burch and Martha Garrett in Zermatt, Switzerland.
John Bob Riddle, Iris Hollingsworth, Shirley Elliott, Deena Bryant, Bobby Riddle and Leon Burch in front of Trevi Fountain.

Martha and Cynthia Garrett

Peggy Burch, Shirley Elliott, Leon Burch, Iris Hollingsworth, Mike Kopp, Hal Poe, Bobby Riddle.

Iris Hollingsworth, Shirley Elliott, Peggy and Leon Burch in Interlaken, Switzerland.

Cynthia Garrett, Peggy and Leon Burch, Suzanne Whitlock.

Mike Kipp, Hal Poe, Cynthia Garrett and Deena Bryant.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bible Drills

Top photo: Sword Drill, circa 1985, Van Manchen, Director
Mitch Haynie, Andrea Mays, Josh Tribble, Lani George, Barbara Wachsman, Robert Fuqua, Heather Parker, Bryan McPherson.
Bottom photo: Dick Collier, Cathy Mitchell, Ricky Baker, ? Far left is Ann Harrison Watts.

Miscellaneous Events

Gladys Grady retires after 34 years of service at Central Park Baptist Church.
First Kindergarten Graduation - Teacher, Mrs. Graham Spearman (no date)

Far right in plaid dress is Mickey Heath Gibson; behind her is Gladys Grady.

Miscellaneous Events

Top left - left to right: Pearl Brown, Rev. Danny Summerlin, June Thomas, Eunice Hayes, Dub and Bonnie Ray
Top right - seated at front table, left to right: Margie Salter, Betty Walls Downey, Eunice cockrell, Pearl Brown. Back table: Lonnie and Mae Smith. Standing: Sue Dye
Bottom right - left to right: June Thomas, Margie Salter, Pearl Brown, John Downeyl