Monday, May 18, 2009

Clerk's Reports 1934-1939

Trustees of CPBC

Clerks' Letters from 1934

The following letters were between the church clerk at Central Park Baptist, Mr. E. M. Blatzer, and the church clerk of Calvary Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in the latter months of 1934. All correspondence pertained to the church letter of Mrs. Bertha Hamm but gives interesting insight into the church procedures of the time. (Note: The postcards shown are not front and back of the same card. The card addressed to Mr. Elmore is included to show the cost of mailing a postcard in 1934.)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clerk's Reports

Clerk's Reports 1923-1933.
Note: #2 Mildred Poindexter Adams is a current member of CPBC. She is now 95 years old, lives in her own apartment, and attends Sunday School and church regularly.

These are Clerk's Reports from the 1940's and 1950's. Notice the reports by George Corcoran are all beautifully hand written. The columns are perfectly aligned and each line is written so all information fits neatly onto the space. These reports were all written on lined tablet paper before copiers were available, so one would wonder if additional copies were made available. The reports from the 1940's were typed on a manual typewriter. I would have liked to post all of the reports, but time and space did not allow for that. I have tried to pick out reports that would be of interest to many of you following the blog. Be sure to look over each page. There are names and tidbits of information that will be quite interesting. Notice the great number of additions during the months of April. I believe these would have been due to revivals during those months.