Friday, March 13, 2009

50th Anniversary of Central Park Baptist

These pictures are marked "50 Anniversary - 1960." It appears to be the dedication of the new Children's Building also. Madge Coston and Zollar Reese are in the pictures of the little girl cutting the ribbon. Lower left corner shows Mr. and Mrs. John Guyton.
Lower right corner is Billy Whitfield with daughter Karen and sons, Billy and Tim.
In the top left picture below you can see Tommye Riddle in the print dress and Jo Beth in front of her. In the top right photo, Tillman Gannaway is standing in front of the post; and George Harvard is on the top step.
In the center right picture are the four daughters of John Roberts. Teresa is in the dark dress, Donna on the left, Priscilla on the right, and Johnette in the center.

The little girl cutting the ribbon is David Sheldon's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. can be seen behind Mrs. Coston in the top left picture. Mrs. Sheldon is behind Mrs. Coston in the top right. In the two bottom pictures Carl Weaks and Rhonda Hatley can be seem between Mr. Reese and the building.