Sunday, March 1, 2009

Old Sanctuary - Congregation

These two pictures were taken at the same time. One is a closer view allowing easier identification of people in the picture. The other is taken farther away but shows more people.
Closer view: Front row: Bob and Winifred Culpepper, Dr. Hill, Royce Bryant, ?, Rev. Wayne Dehoney-Pastor. Behind Dr. Hill are Carlton and Margaret Neugent. Behind Pastor Dehoney are Coy Nell and Herbert Baker, a couple of rows behind them are Gladys and Orman Edgar. (Mary Bowie over left shoulder of Royce Bryant?) (Two rows behind Orman Edgar, Mary Griffin? Bert Griffin to her right?)
Wider view: Third row on left side are Mr. and Mrs. John Guyton. On the first row, far right is Mrs. Royce Bryant

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